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Heather's Story


If there’s one thing I’ve learned is that life takes some unexpected turns! I’ve chosen to embrace change and see it as an adventure. Perhaps my passion for travel has helped shape that part of my perspective on life.


While travel has always been a love, I never saw it turning into anything more than planning a family vacation or a getaway for Scott and I! At the age of 24, I began my career as a high school science teacher. By this time, both of our daughters had already graced our lives. By the time I turned 28, I found myself juggling a full time career, a new city in a new province, and two small children just starting junior and senior kindergarten. Those beginning years were tough but a teaching career afforded me the time I wanted with my children. Since Scott was also a teacher, our family was always on the same schedule. It was truly a blessing.


Teaching also afforded other benefits. In 2011, I led my first student tour to Europe! A colleague and I brought eight high school students to Berlin, Amsterdam, Bruges, Normandy and Paris on a WWII history tour. I was hooked! A few years later, in 2014, we travelled again, this time with a group of over thirty students and five teachers! In all, I was able to travel on five amazing tours with destinations ranging from London to Prague and Barcelona to Berlin. Travel literally changed my life! As a science and math teacher, I had next to no education or experience with the arts and history. However, that first European travel experience turned me into an amateur art and history buff (not to mention coffee connoisseur) in the span of 10 days!


I ended my high school teaching career of about seventeen years. I could just tell it was time for a change. My years of teaching were amazing and I truly loved building relationships with my students. However, I know that when I start to dream, the only option is to follow it.


Plena Vida means “full life”! My goal has always been to live life to the fullest and that can only happen when you take a chance and go for it!


Travel may seem out of reach for many reasons but my goal is to make it easy and attainable so you too, can live out your dreams!


“Don’t just dream your life, live your dream!”



Sarah's Story

When I say I’m a little indecisive, I mean it! It took me 9 years to settle on an official university degree after finishing high school. I fell in love with social work last September after working my day job in a similar field for approximately 6 years.


I’ve been working with people since I’ve been old enough to land a job. I love connecting with folks from all walks of life, hearing their stories and what inspires them to reach their goals. But I knew something was missing and couldn’t quite put my finger on it until my sister began to dip her toes in the travel industry!


I took the leap and joined Heather under Plena Vida Vacations in May 2024. I wanted to follow a new (but old!) dream that was a little off the beaten path for me.


My passion for travel started at a VERY young age shortly after I took my very first flight to Toronto to visit family. From then on out, I became extremely fascinated with the aviation world and my goal in life was to become a flight attendant! That never really landed (pun intended!) because I am not bilingual and the job didn’t appeal to me that much as I grew up.


I want to see the world differently and help others do the same and live their best life! Everything about the travel industry intrigues me- from Disney Land to Dubai, I want to do it all! I have a little boy who is still too young to appreciate vacations and fun travel adventures at this time. I’m using his younger years to learn all that I can about various destinations and choose the best places to take him as he grows up.


Myself and my partner, Damien want to give him (and any future children) all of the opportunities to travel as much as we can- I believe the best education comes from travel! Some of my favourite destinations I have travelled to so far are Jamaica, NYC and Amsterdam. These are definitely on my ‘must-see’ list and I will be returning whenever I can! While I’m still settling into being a student, working and raising a family, I want to take this opportunity to educate myself as much as I can so I can help others, educate them and make their travel dreams a reality!


Bon voyage!



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